Saturday, May 19, 2007


Two years ago, I left behind Protestantism to convert to the Catholic Church. This was the eventual fruit of more than a year's worth of contemplation, followed by months and months of research and prayer and debate with friends. Upon converting, I established a program of Catholic theological self-education. Following a year's worth of preparatory reading in philosophy, I plunged into the deep waters of the Summa Theologica in April of 2006. Now I'm in Book II of the Summa Contra Gentiles.

I am by no means a scholar. I am not a theologian. I am not a philosopher. I work in IT. I have a B.A. in Biblical Studies from a conservative Protestant liberal arts college. By no means am I sufficiently well-versed in Aquinas to fairly describe myself as a Thomist. The best that I can say in that regard is that the writings of the Angelic Doctor - as well as his prayers - have been immensely helpful to me.

I do not know whether I will ever complete my formal education, but I have been an avid reader and have attempted to the best of my meager abilities to continue my education myself through reading The Right Sort of Books.

I intend in this blog to comment on...well, whatever strikes me as interesting. But generally I think that the focus will be upon matters related to theology, philosophy, apologetics, etc. Forays into politics and current events cannot be ruled out.

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